Dr. Roni Deluz

with guest host Dr. Makeba: Solutions and Remedies to the 21 Top Chronic Diseases, and How to be Hopeful, Happy, and Healthier



This show will feature How to be hopeful, happy, and healthier with holistic solutions and remedies when diagnosed with one of the top 21 Chronic illnesses. Over 100 million people living with Chronic Disease and they spend over a trillion dollars. Chronic disease is out of control but Dr. Roni says there is new hope for chronic disease today. She talks about the newest trends in taking care of your Self, Body, Mind and Spirit. Remedies that our Grandmother did 100 years ago and we frown and laugh. We are now starting to do them. We will talk about how simple Oregano oil save her brother in laws life and how her clients are brought to the retreat close to death and how Holistic health and wellness remedies saved their life and others.