Herb Lore Radio

Herbal Basics/Herbs for Pregnancy



Listen live to Pam Caldwell, Herbalist; Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum, Lactation, and Baby & Mom's Health Specialist, talk about some basic herbal information, such as what is a tincture? How do you use it? Is it appropriate for a pregnant mother? A nursing mom? And how about babies & children? What's the difference between a tincture and an herbal tea? Which one is best? Pam will also discuss what general items pregnant moms should be taking, as well as some common problems that many women experience in pregnancy, including morning sickness, anemia, itching and those annoying charley horses, and natural, effective solutions to those problems and more. Pam is a favorite resource for health care and birth workers throughout the United States. Call Pam at our toll free call-in number with your questions - she's a treasure trove of helpful information!