Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast

Podcast #23 - Honor Your Process Lvl 2-3 30min



As we step into spring and move forward transitioning from the darker days to the lighter days see if you can find some personal time to honor your process, your bod, your heart - basically your yoga. Notice what is coming to fruition and what still in a stage of evolution. My teachers have said to me in many ways that inside we all have potential that is like a bija (seed), which is filled with possibilities now take note of what the soil of your awareness is in which these seeds are being cultivated in. After going through my own process of teaching for 5 years and becoming a certified Anusara teacher, I have learned that there is not just one way to do anything that there are many ways honoring our way of unfolding that works for each of us. When we give ourselves permission to be, to nurture, to see where we are in the process we are able to find ease on and off the mat. Enjoy the beauty of spring and see in nature how each tree, bud and blade of grass expresses itself in its own way just as you do. C