Hillary's Yoga Practice Podcast

Podcast #27 - Spring Cleaning with Twists - All Levels



In the past couple of months I've had the opportunity to travel to Vancouver to visit and was blessed with seeing the most amazing blossoms (in the midst of rainfall) - cherry and magnolia (see in pic). Please take in the fullness (Purna) and perfection these blossoms radiate knowing that this too can come from within you especially after churning and opening your body with twists. When spring comes around its a wonderful time to cleanse and create space for new opportunities as we transition into our fullest expression. With our busy lives we forget to look up to take in beauty around us or even look into ourselves to recognize it dwells there as well. When we are pulled in to many directions we tend to loose our footing if we are not grounded - this is like doing twists. From a steady base there is the opportunity to ground down, hug in then churn and move things around a bit to enjoy the unexpected on and off the mat. What I love about twists is that they are subtle and powerful, neutralizing and clean