Limitless Possibility

12: Unbundle of Joy



Yanik and Luc-Olivier talk about the Unbundled App Crisis of 2014. Related Links FU: Mac Rumors: Early Benchmarks Put Retina MacBook CPU Performance in Range of 2011 MacBook Air FU: It's Official: Jay Z's Historic Tidal Launches With 16 Artist Stakeholders | Billboard FU: Jay Z relaunches Tidal with music's biggest artists as his co-owners | The Verge FU: This is the Only Thing You Need to Know About "Hifi" Tidal Streaming - Create Digital Music FU: Gawker: The World's Most Famous Musicians Just Hosted a Bonkers Press Conference FU: TIDAL’s celebrity backers “taking the story back” from the evil tech industry FU: TechCrunch: Tidal Confirms Partnership With Sprint Owner Softbank For Its Artist Co-Owned Music Service FU: Storify: Mint Royale on Tidal streaming FU: The Lefsetz Letter: Tidal The Foursquare Blog: A look into the future of Foursquare, including a new app called Swarm The Foursquare Blog: A brand new Foursquare, with a brand new logo and look, is almost ready for you TechCrunch: Kill The Hamburge