Limitless Possibility

9: Game Development with LÖVE



Yanik talks about his experimenting with game development. Related Links FU: The developer iTunes connect snafu FU: Apple will fight iOS bugs with first-ever iOS Public Betas: 8.3 in March, 9 in summer | 9to5Mac FU: Revealed: The experts Apple hired to build an electric car | 9to5Mac FU: Apple Hairball? Ex-GM CEO Says Building Cars May Not Be Worth It - Bloomberg Business FU: Apple reportedly poached employees from A123 Systems to work on battery tech, now faces unfair competition lawsuit | 9to5Mac FU: Bloomberg: Apple planning to launch its own car by the year 2020 | 9to5Mac Wikipedia: ResEdit Wikipedia: QuickTime VR Wikipedia: TimeSplitters 2 cocos2d LÖVE - Free 2D Game Engine Lua's official site Wikipedia: Lua (programming language) Wikipedia: Prototype-based programming LÖVE Wiki: Game Distribution Useful modules: Donut, lovebird