Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

039: Navigating Parental Approval



Welcome back to Tuff Love, with Rob Kandell. This show is very personal to Rob, and it’s about parental approval. He just spent the last weekend with his parents, in Marin County, north of San Francisco. He goes to visit whenever he can. Rob’s Mom is a big listener of the show, so even though he’ll be talking about her and knows she’ll be listening, they have an adult enough relationship where he can be real and honest on the show and it will translate. His Dad doesn’t listen to the show. A friend asked Rob recently what the key to success in a relationship is. He said, just tell the truth. That’s what Tuff Love is: being willing to tell the truth in a manner that is connective, not disassociating. Most people lie and withhold and don’t tell the truth. We don’t say the things that really hurt us and we’re not clear in our communication. From the truth, both parties have the option to have a better and more connective relationship. But if you don’t tell the truth, nothing happens.   Love the show? S