Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

040: Modern Sex Talk with Ryan Thomas



Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. The guest star on the show today is Ryan Thomas, who runs the podcast Modern Sex Talks. Rob was on that podcast and now Ryan is here to talk about the concept of sex in the modern age. How Ryan ended up teaching and running a podcast called Modern Sex Talks is a bit of a long story. His background is in the military, he was an Army Captain and he served in the Canadian Army for 11 years. In that environment, it’s not very emotionally intimate. For Ryan growing up, he didn’t get a lot of sex education, and learned a lot from pornography and the internet. As he got older, he started using sexuality as a way to build confidence, which led him down some very dark paths. He started to hate women, which isn’t a healthy place to be. He realized he was the only common denominator in all the problems he was experiencing in relationships. That wasn’t an easy thing to realize.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the T