Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

050: #TruthMoment



Welcome back to Tuff Love with your host, Rob Kandell. The topic today is around the concept of truth moment. Rob’s basic viewpoint is that we’re all a bunch of liars. The effect of that is that intimacy and connection decreases greatly because we’re not telling the truth. When we lie we present a part of ourselves that isn’t true. If we lie and someone accepts it, then they start to judge who we are, based on our lies, and then we know they’re judging us on the façade we’ve created, which means we trust them less. It’s about telling the truth and creating relationships and connections where your partner can receive the truth. Most people want to tell the truth, but the other person does a really shitty job of receiving it and punishes us for telling the truth. We’re in fear of repercussions from our partners for telling the truth, and we live in façade, people don’t connect and we live in a world where people don’t tell the truth. The concept of the truth moment is a new game. It’s a take off of a few othe