Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

058: Courageous Communication with Elizabeth DiAlto



Welcome back to Tuff Love with Rob Kandell. The guest today is the amazing Liz Dialto, author, speaker, teacher, mentor, podcaster, and she’s here to talk about courageous communication. Back in the day, Liz used to sell Cut Through Knives, and was brought up in this culture of community, working with people, sales and marketing, lots of sales stuff is rooted in personal development. When she left that industry she became a personal trainer and then a couple of years into that, she started noticing that without fail, any kind of mental, emotional, financial, relationship issue could come up and swiftly wipe out any results people had gotten with their diet and exercise. So she became fascinated with working IN as opposed to just working out, and how the two work together. Having received a lot of feedback over the years that she was intimidating, too masculine or that she needed to soften, Liz started studying femininity and feminine archetypes. She realized there are many archetypes and she embodies more o