Tuff Love With Robert Kandell

224: How to Deal with Getting Hooked with Jade Connelly-Duggan



Growing up in a family of wellness and organization development pioneers, Jade Connelly-Duggan, M. Ac., was the guinea pig for what would become the first Master’s of Transformative Leadership and Social Change in the U.S. Using tools from the arenas of ontology, biology of cognition, chaordic design, TLSC principles, natural scale and the proprietary Duggan Method, alongside her clinical acupuncture practice, Jade uses a particularly practical and physiologically grounded skills-based approach to culture and leadership design. Jade’s signature work is in the arena of empowering more effective living and leadership through listening to the body and treating an organization or community as a body using principles of acupuncture. Her unique skill is in teaching individuals and groups to notice and activate their physiology towards leadership- thus naturally away from stuckness or “stress” patterns. Her favorite party trick is transforming team culture impacting thousands of downline emplo