Ucyp: Uphill Conversations Young Professionals

9: YP Perspective – Know Yourself, Be Open + Discover Your Dreams



An entrepreneur, marketer, coach, and brewery co-founder Nicole Cendrowski joins us for a fabulous conversation on dreams and taking advantage of opportunities. Show Notes: Nicole’s journey from college to brewing beer The beer brewing landscape in the Southeast Being open to what life brings your way Remember that what’s right for you may not be right for someone else Being okay with going against the advice of others Don’t let your age or gender affect decisions to pursue something new Facing your fears head on and being brave Develop yourself through education to build wisdom Fewer barriers to entry with rise of technology and access Importance of not only envisioning you dream, but also taking the next steps and moving ideas into action – you’ve got to work for it Create habits that you don’t want to break Don’t lose the joy in your journey Fun contest / giveaway with Fireforge once they are open! Nicole’s advice to the next generation, to so