Naturally Vibrant Living

A Solution to Toxic Chemicals Everywhere? – Green Chemistry



The realization has slowly been dawning on increasing numbers in the past few years that we’re living in a soup of toxic chemicals.  Toxic chemicals are sadly omnipresent in our modern world – in our water, air, food, clothing, carpeting, furniture, the soil, etc.  Report after report comes out these days on new health impacts of these toxicants.  Is there any change on the horizon?  Diane Brandon, your Host and author of Intuition for Beginners, is joined this week by John Warner, Ph. D., Founder and President of the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry, founder of University of Massachusetts - Boston's first Green Chemistry Ph.D. program,  and co-Author of Green Chemistry:  Theory and Practice.  Mr. Warner is an award-winning leader in Green Chemistry and has worked to incorporate it into semiconductor design, biodegradable plastics, personal care products, solar energy, and other materials.  He’ll be sharing the ins and outs of Green Chemistry with us, where we are in the process of replacing toxic