American Road Trip Talk

Christmas Leg-acy



American Road Trip Talk hosted by Foster Braun is a talk show that celebrates travel across the two-lane highways of North America. This unique broadcast is an extension of American Road Magazine. Join Foster Braun, Your host and our guide on the American Road Trip Talk Show. "You'll shoot your eye out!" was probably the most famous line in the movie, "The Christmas Story" but it was the infamous leg lamp that became the movie's most famous prop. As a matter of fact it was a homemade version of the Leg Lamp that served as the inspiration that led Brian Jones in 2005 to buy the Cleveland house where the movie was shot. The full story behind the rebirth of the Christmas Story House can be found in the Grand Old US Six column written by Joe Hurley in the Vol. 8 Winter 2010 issue of the American Road Magazine. In this TripTalk, Steve Sidlecki, the executive director of The Christmas Story House and Museum fills in more of the details.