American Road Trip Talk

Hawaiian Jurassic Park



American Road Trip Talk hosted by Foster Braun is a talk show that celebrates travel across the two-lane highways of North America.  This unique broadcast is an extension of American Road Magazine.  Join Foster Braun, Your host and our guide on the American Road Trip Talk Show. When filmmakers want to create a dinosaur domain for our imaginations, there is one favorite place on earth that they go to create their prehistoric settings: The Hawaiian island of Kauai. Specifically, they set up their cameras in the National Tropical Botanical Gardens. Our spring issue of American Road Magazine is built around the theme of dinosaurs so I dialed up the NTBG and spoke with communications director Janet Leopold about this remarkable tropical gem. On Kauai, the westernmost of the Hawaiian islands Steven Spielberg found the perfect setting for many of the scenes in his 1993 prehistoric classic, Jurassic Park. Janet was there for the filming and has some interesting stories to share on this podcast.