My Baby Monsters: Kids Stories, Children Music, Children's Books, Kid Art, & Fun Storytelling - Old Time Radio Movie - Podcas

[My Baby Monsters: storytelling podcast 12] Stories with Technical Difficulties



For those of you counting, you might be wondering what happened to episode 11? The short version, our computer broke. The long version, well, somedays things just don’t work like they should. And today, it’s that type of day. Our theory is that listeners from outer space tried to contact us, but their incompatible alien operating system caused our computer to temporarily die. While we are thrilled about this evidence of life on other planets, we regret to inform you that our two-part series on space (episode 11) has disappeared inside the void of a broken computer. While we wait for our experts to resuscitate our computer and thus rescue these incredible episodes, we hope you will enjoy this duck taped podcast about questionable pizza and technology. A few stories featured in this podcast: (to read a story or add to it, click the link) First day of school Global Pizza, cause people are different Topical song: Island of Misfit Toys by A Sunken Ship Irony Have fun, -- Josie (and dad)