My Baby Monsters: Kids Stories, Children Music, Children's Books, Kid Art, & Fun Storytelling - Old Time Radio Movie - Podcas

[My Baby Monsters: storytelling podcast 15] The Amazing Adventures of Superman, Super Mario, and the Super Nintendo Wii (now with even more super heroic video game stories)



My Baby Monsters are proud to present another exciting Old Time Children's Radio Show Podcast, featuring the Man-of-steel himself, Superman. Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound! Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman! No, wait, it's Super Mario, and Luigi, and Peach, and Wario, and Dig Dug, and Pac-man, and Link, and Zelda and the Incredible Super Nintendo Wii. Yahooooooooooooooo! Shall we play a game? Yes... lots of them. Children's stories from this podcast: (click link to read or add on to a story) Do do do - doo deet doot When I grow up I'm going to be a Super Hero My super power is my Plastic Arms Life in Burgertime (the story of a video game) Introducing Baby Monsters Digg n' Dugg [children's art and free coloring page] And how does the Nintendo Wii feel? Baby Monster Little Bird Plays with The Wii Who is the best video game player? Play Free Video Game… BURGERTIME [it's a special prese