My Baby Monsters: Kids Stories, Children Music, Children's Books, Kid Art, & Fun Storytelling - Old Time Radio Movie - Podcas

[My Baby Monsters: new children stories and kids books :: season 2] B is for Bear, Blondie, Buzz Lightyear, Benny Goodman, and Bing Crosby at the Circus (a classic old time radio, jazz show, wild alphabet animal story)



Blondie, Benny Goodman, and Bing Crosby presenta jazzy Old Time Children's Radio Show Podcast, that Sing, Sing, Sings. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz... isn't it funny how today's letter is B? so Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, to infinity and beyond, let's go to the circus with Blondie, Dagwood, and their son Alexander and daughter Cookie. And at the circus, you'll meet a bear (you'll meet a bear), a great big bear (a great big bear), oh way out there, so sing, sing, sing, sing, everybody's got to sing, 'cause we're still working on our new children's book – Wild Alphabet Stories (fun tails for kids and other wild animals). Not sure what I talking about, then it's a bear necessity you listen to this jazzy, but Disney-less episode to learn if I'm an Alaskan Kodiak Bear or a Florida Black Bear. Children's stories and music featured in this podcast (to read or WRITE NOW, just click story's link): What should I put on a Dagwood sandwich? My Baby Monsters went to the zoo and saw bears [storytelling game] What to do when