ProBlogger Podcast: Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging

204: 6 ‘Ordinary’ Things That Will Grow Your Blog into Something Extraordinary



How Ordinary Things Can Lead to Extraordinary Results With Your Blog This week and I’m excited to be spending time face to face with quite a few ProBlogger podcast listeners and blog readers at our Aussie blogging events. We’ve been holding annual Australian events since 2010 and it is a highlight of my year each time. It’s fantastic to put faces to names, hear the stories of what bloggers are learning and to get inspired by meeting many of you. So because I’m away this week and busy with the event I thought it might be fun to give you a taste of what happens at a ProBlogger event and to play you a talk I gave at one of our events a few years ago. So for today’s episode (#204) I’m going to play you a full opening keynote talk that I gave in 2014. It’s a talk I gave which explores how doing ordinary things consistently over time leads to extraordinary results in blogging. Often bloggers look for the 'secret' strategies that will launch their blog into a viral success. However the reality is that most su