Marvelicious Toys - The Marvel Universe Toy & Collectibles Podcast - Audio Podcast Feed

Issue 113: Don't You Know That You're Toxin



Boomerang. Spider-Girl. Toxin. The three figures together make up the new offerings from Hasbro's second wave of Amazing Spider-Man 2 Marvel Legends, and they are hitting pegs now in force! On this Marvelicious Toys episode your hosts Justin, Marjorie, and Arnie provide in-depth reviews of each of these new swap-out figures and compare them to their previous versions!Also on this episode Marjorie and Arnie recount last weekend's Planet Comicon in Kansas City. With Marvel guests like Skottie Young and Dave Johnson, as well as tons of vendors, listen to find out about the going rates for figures, as well as some unique and rare finds!With a look at Hot Toys' new Captain America Movie Masterpiece Series figures, excitement over The Avengers 2--Age of Ultron, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and so much more, it's all in this episode of Marvelicious Toys!