Link To The Cast

Link To The Cast #22: Crash Bandicoot



This week on Link To The Cast, Dave and Mark attempt to bravely soldier on in Brian's absence and see what's been going on in the world of videogames. This week: Dave is deep in the puzzley rabbit hole of The Witness Mark played a Call of Duty game? Has hell frozen over? We answer your tweets and messages in our mailbag. All the latest news in gaming. Our Book Club this week is a look back at a game that has lots of fond memories for the 90's kids out there: Crash Bandicoot on the PS1. Listen, like, share, find us on iTunes (rate us there too to be extra nice), and enjoy! If you wanna contact us for our mailbag, or just to say hi, or if you just want to keep up to date on our content as it's posted, check out the following: