Link To The Cast

Link To The Cast Giant Sized Annual #1: The Road to RomanRania



It's a podcast Jim, but not as you know it. The lads are off on a trip to Dallas next week to the Mecca of the pro graps, and rather than maintain radio silence, we thought we'd try something a little different, setting the video games aside briefly, and have a look forward to the trip. Joining us for this show are the dulcet tones of debuting guests and all around FINE MEN Eamonn Dalton and Barry Murphy. On the show, we have a look at: what possessed us to go Ribs for breakfast and selfies with Russ Haas. NXT, featuring the goddamned drifter. ROH, featuring no one Eamo's ever heard of Wrestlecon, featuring sadness and the past/ and Wrestlemania itself, I suppose. We'll be back after our trip with a quick road report and then back to business as usual, so hopefully you all enjoy this very different episode. Eamo is @EamoV1 on Twitter, and you can join the Cecil Club over on his Redbubble page Barry is @TheBarrylad on Twitter, and his gaming Youtube channel is