Adventures In Spirit & Entrepreneurship By Natasha Senkovich

23: Cristy Nix - How to align your business with your soul and sharpen your intuition



Cristy Nix is Internationally known Intuitive, Business Coach, Author, Jeweler, Hand analyst + Mompreneur. She works with Women Entrepreneurs who love what they do but are tired of struggling to attract clients. She helps them bring their business in alignment with who they are so they create more success by working less. In today's interview, Cristy defines three different business archetypes and four different communication styles that have very different approaches to doing business and ways of communicating with the world. Being pushed into a wrong mold by your peers or a coach can be emotionally and financially taxing. Cristy also teaches us about the importance of using intuition in life and business, and tells us how exactly to identify how we receive our intuitive guidance (not everyone is the same), and how to sharpen it.