Adventures In Spirit & Entrepreneurship By Natasha Senkovich

24: Tania Gabrielle - Demystifying the strong influence that names and numbers have on your wealth creation and world events



Tania Gabrielle is a Wealth Astro-Numerologist, spiritual teacher, author, composer and speaker. She has coached thousands of clients and entrepreneurs worldwide — helping them to design prosperous lives by leveraging the secret numbers’ code in their names, birthday and personal cycles. In today's interview, Tania reveals just how powerfully the numerical codes hidden in our name and birthdate can influence all aspects of our lives. She gives us some interesting information regarding how numbers and astrology have affected some famous people, and she also gives us a prognosis for the coming year, 2015. Tania is also a very successful entrepreneur, and she gives us some valuable tips on how to greatly expand your small business and become wealthy, in every sense of the word.