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How To Find Sales Hidden In Plain Sight Using The Referral Shortcut With Frank Klesitz of Vyral Marketing



In today's episode, we're going to talk about how to build your business using referrals. Although it's a commonly used strategy, a lot of people are still doing it wrong. In a lot of ways, sales is sales no matter how you do it. The hottest type of prospect is an endorsed referral, somebody who comes in because they have heard of you coming from a friend, a trusted expert, or they've simply read about you because of the authority you've built in the market. Sadly, a lot of folks do it wrong and there is always a right way to do it. Meet Frank Klesitz Frank Klesitz is an authority when it comes to referrals. Through his company Vyral Marketing, Frank has built an entire system designed to utilize database, content, and all other things necessary and this has definitely changed the way a lot of professionals are generating new business through referrals. Based in Omaha, Nebraska, Vyral Marketing has become a marketing choice for experts, professional services, and consultants throughout the country. So I have