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World Record Holder AJ Roberts Reveals How To Live Big In Business and Even Bigger In Life



Meet AJ Roberts...Fitpreneur, Marketing Icon, Iron-clad Teddy Bear Download the transcript by clicking here You're about to witness some real Marketing Muscle in today's episode with AJ Roberts. If it's true that "How you do one thing is how you do everything," then it's no surprise that the man who conquered the world of powerlifting has made such a big splash in the marketing world... AJ Roberts is a fitness hall of famer with a world record squat and he's the bestselling co-author of the book Change Agents. He's a two time world record holder in powerlifting and rumor has it, he once made Chuck Norris do his dishes. (That's unsubstantiated, but since you're reading it on the internet, it must be true) AJ is also the world's premiere fitness marketing consultant, pursued by gyms, supplement companies, trainers and anyone looking to take their revenue, business, and ultimately life to the highest levels. He's also one the most sincere, genuine and gentle souls you could meet and has a gift for sho