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Ron Lynch: Direct Response Lessons From Selling $3 Billion Of Product On TV And How To Use Them To Grow Your Business



Technology is almost analogous with improvement, and that means that what’s effective yesterday can still make an impact today. Dubbed as a unique creative force in the marketing space, Founder of Big Baby Agency, Ron Lynch, takes growing businesses through TV infomercials to the next level.Ron has worked with household brands in the industry and has sold over $3 billion worth of products with infomercials. This episode covers detailed strategies and technicalities to making an effective infomercial for today’s consumers.Some Topics We Discussed Include:How Ron Lynch got into the businessThe difference of infomercials and short formsWhat makes an effective infomercialWriting a show from scratchBenefits of testimonialsTechniques for getting the most effective testimonialsThe difference of selling to men and womenThe changes that the internet brought to salesBigBaby’s client profileLearn more about Ron and get the full shownotes at the show? Subscribe, rate, revie