Vegan Business Talk

VBT 022: Interview with Karen Knowler of The High Vibrational Woman and The Raw Food Coach



In this episode I interview Karen Knowler, founder of The High Vibrational Woman and The Raw Food Coach. Karen is an award-winning international business coach, and a world-renowned raw food expert of almost two decades. Based in Hertfordshire, England, Karen’s biggest passion is helping other women to go after their desires and to create and live the life that they truly dream of. A spiritual awakening in her early 20s in 1998 led to Karen leaving behind a high-flying career in publishing to work in a meditation centre. That same year she took over the UK’s first raw food organisation – The Fresh Network – which she expanded significantly over the next eight and a half years. She’s the author of Raw Food Made Simple, which she self-published and Eat Right for Your Personality Type, which was picked up by Hay House and has trained thousands of people to become professional raw food coaches and teachers via her live, virtual and home study trainings. In 2014 Karen launched The High Vibrational Woman, a ser