Vegan Business Talk

VBT 126: Interview with vegan social media marketing expert John Oberg



In this episode I interview John Oberg, a vegan social media marketing expert and influencer in Washington, DC. John is dedicated to making the world a kinder place for animals by utilizing the power of social media. He’s the former Director of New Media for the international animal protection organization, The Humane League. And prior to that, he served as Director of Communications for Vegan Outreach. In both these roles, John oversaw social media for the organizations which led to a tenfold increase in following for both of them, as well as over 1 billion impressions of content posted to these pages. John recently launched his own independent project for animals through Patreon and has provided social media consulting services to non-profit organizations including Veganuary and Million Dollar Vegan. And he now offers these services to vegan businesses and brands. In this episode, John discusses: • What vegan brands and businesses can do right now to organically increase followers and engagement – wit