Vegan Business Talk

VBT 133: Interview with Alicia Robb, vegan investor & founder of Next Wave Impact



In this episode I interview Alicia Robb, a vegan investor in Colorado in the US. With a strong background in economics, Alicia created Next Wave Impact to increase diversity, inclusion, and impact in early-stage investing. The company’s global fund has 99 female investors, 25 of them women of color, which is led by an experienced investment committee of 10 women. As well as investing in vegan-led companies, Alicia also recently founded Vegan Investors, an angel investor group focused on helping vegan companies scale to have massive impact. In this interview Alicia talks about: • Why there so few female angel investors – and what she’s doing to change this • Why supporting vegan companies that are led by women, people of color, and other diverse backgrounds is important and how she’s making this happen • What she looks for in a business before deciding whether to invest • How a vegan business owner can stand out when pitching her • The types of vegan businesses she invests in and why • The key mistake