Autonomous Cars With Marc Hoag

#173-Noam Arkind, Arbe Robotics



My guest today is Noam Arkind, the CTO at Israel-based Arbe Robotics (@Arbe_Robotics). Noam holds a PhD in Applied Math from the Robotics Lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science, so it’s no surprise that we did a fantastic one hour deep dive into all the fascinating technology behind their 4D high-resolution imaging radar solution. What struck me most about Arbe — and it took me until maybe half-way into our discussion to realize it — isn’t just their full development kit that includes both the hardware and software; it wasn’t just the cost competitiveness over alternative solutions like lidar for instance; but rather, it was the recognition that Arbe is quite literally shaping up to be a better lidar than lidar, from virtually every metric. Where computer vision cameras are limited by today’s AI and ML capabilities; where traditional radar is limited, at a minimum, by resolution; where lidar is limited by cost, inclement weather, and potentially resolution too, Arbe solves all those issues by effectively pr