

Today’s guest, Brian Tracy, knows the difference between true balance, and false balance. This hot subject is really a question of values. What do you really value? What is at the top of your priority list? Finding true balance begins with examining how your values are ranked. Brian advises being very clear about your values and organizing your life around them, without compromise. Are you in a state of false balance? False balance, according to Brian, is doing everything possible to conform to what you think you are supposed to be doing, with no happiness. Sit back and listen in to Brian’s advice about goal setting and creating a vision to prioritize your life and optimize your achievement. Most people do not take the time to even consider their values. But smart people and smart companies think it through and adjust as necessary. Get smart today and get In the Arena. It is what people do under pressure that really reveals who they really are ~ Brian TracyClick To Tweet Go beyond “sweetheart” values The way