

Today’s guest, Jeb Blount, wrote his book Fanatical Prospecting to remove the complexity of prospecting and provide a formula for it’s use. Jeb’s core belief is that salespeople are the elite athletes of the business world. He empowers salespeople to fill their pipelines with traffic, believing that you fail when you neglect prospecting and have an empty or anemic pipeline. The basics of prospecting were instilled in Jeb by his teacher, Bob Blackwell. Jeb learned from Bob how to say the right things during calls and hone his work into a profitable career. Today’s resistance to prospecting stems from the lack of leadership like Bob’s as well as testaments of successful experiences. Where there is a lack of good leadership and praise for prospecting, Jeb steps in. From listening to and learning from a great sales manager, Jeb became great. Are you ready to get in the arena? If you want to have success in sales, pick up the phone ~ Jeb BlountClick To Tweet Embracing the most difficult job in sales According to