

We are all familiar with how brainstorming brings random people together to create long lists, of any and every idea. We let our brains rumble in hopes of finding the most brilliant plan hiding within the collaborative explosion of thought. Today, we hear from Tim Sanders about a better idea: dealstorming. Tim’s new book, Dealstorming, gives away the secret weapon to solve your toughest challenges. He combines innovation with the process of closing deals. Closing deals, especially in a niche can leave you in danger of losing that category. You need an app or a weapon. Dealstorming helps you win. How do you find your yes in those big deals? Dealstorming. Big deals are the ultimate barrier to your entry, so tune in to learn how to approach deals more effectively on this episode of In the Arena.   Don’t ask people to come to a meeting, ask them to join a cause ~ Tim SandersClick To Tweet Taking control of the complexity of sales Tim Sanders knows that sales complexity is completely out of hand. In this day, we