

Many people hate sales because they don’t understand that it’s not about getting money from people, it’s about serving them. Today’s episode is a gem among gems because it features the incomparable Bob Burg. Bob is a legend in the sales, leadership, and marketing world for his many books and lectures on the topic of serving people through sales. Anthony’s questions today set the stage for Bob’s great answers and you’re the one who’s going to benefit, so make sure you set aside plenty of time to listen to this engaging conversation that’s full of Bob’s incredible stories. The difference between a #leader and a #GoGiver leader, with Bob Burg on this episodeClick To Tweet The real difference between a leader and a Go-Giver leader. Bob Burg’s most recent book, “The Go Giver” is quickly becoming a legend in the sales realm just like its author, simply because it’s a fable-like unpacking of principles that every person needs to know. In it Bob shows that the difference between an ordinary leader and one who follow