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Dave Brock on Sales Manager Success and His new Book, “The Sales Manager’s Survival Guide” – Episode #59



When Anthony hits a snag in how he feels he should approach a managerial or administrative issue within his business or with one of his clients, he turns to Dave Brock, his guest on today’s episode. Dave is one of those guys that Anthony and many others felt should write a book, but the guy is simply so busy he’s never had time. But now, suddenly, he’s cranked out his first book and says that he’s got a series of books in the works based on this first one. The Sales Manager’s Survival Guide is the book Anthony has been looking for - over 400 pages and worth every second it takes you to read. You can get some insights into Dave’s brilliant sales mind and why you should grab a copy of this book, on this episode. Sales Managers focus on what they do 4 the team, but the business expects something differentClick To Tweet Recognizing what you know that you don’t know you know. Dave Brock has known for many years that he’s a sales leader. He’s been in many companies and positions that indicate it to be so. But when