In The Arena Podcast With Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |r

The Art of Possibility, Authentic Living, and Success in Life and Sales with Rosamund Zander – Episode #63



Today’s episode features one of Anthony’s all time favorite conversations on the podcast. He’s speaking with Rosamund Zander, a family therapist and leadership coach who specializes in helping people recognize and move away from what she calls their “child stories” so they can be free of the limiting beliefs and scarcity mindsets that hold them back from giving the best of themselves to the world. Anthony wanted to bring this conversation to you because he feels that too many people in the sales arena make the story all about them when in reality, they could be adding so much more to the interactions they engage in on a daily basis. Please, take the time to listen - there is a lot to learn from Rosamund Zander. Change your thinking from dealing with circumstances to exploring possibilitiesClick To Tweet The unseen force of our child stories often dominate our lives. Rosamund Zander believes that every person is born with the self-centered approach to life that is characteristic of a child. Everything is abou