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David Allen on Getting Things Done (GTD), Proactive VS Reactive, and The Power of Daily Review – Episode #64



Anyone who’s been in the business world over the course of the past 30 years has heard of Getting Things Done (GTD), the productivity approach that David Allen revealed in his incredible book by the same name. Anthony points to the GTD approach as the one thing that has turned around both his desire and his ability to be truly productive day in and day out - a massively needed thing for his busy life. Today’s episode features a conversation between Anthony and David that gets into some of the history of the GTD approach and how David applies the system to his own life. You’ll get some high level and very practical things in this episode with one of the most influential people in the realm of action and effectiveness. David Allen, creator of Getting Things Done on this episode of In The ArenaClick To Tweet Your favorite sports teams do it, why don’t you? Think of your favorite sports team right now - any sport. Do you imagine that they spend the majority of their time doing what they want and then preparing f