In The Arena Podcast With Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |r

Chet Richards on Strategy, Morale, and Agility in Warfare and Business  – Episode #65



If you haven’t picked up on it by now, Anthony is quite a history buff, particularly when it comes to military strategy and history. He’s discovered that much of what makes a great military strategist and leader is transferrable to the business context. Today’s conversation features Chet Richards, an author who has studied a great deal of military history and has written widely on how to apply the truths found there to the business context. You can hear this engaging conversation and the insights Chet has to share on this episode of In The Arena. How warfare instructs us about business strategy, on this episode of In The ArenaClick To Tweet Why warfare strategy has much to teach about business strategy. The strategies that make a military campaign successful have everything to do with the basic components of organizational success: leadership, morale, cooperative effort, assessment of situations and execution of plans. It’s all those things and more that make the context of warfare one that instructs us in