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Dr. Carmen Simon on Persuasive Techniques for Business and Life – Episode #66



Everyone in sales could use some more training in persuasive techniques - not for the sake of being manipulative or pushy, but for the sake of truly helping prospects see how their problems can be solved with the salesperson’s solution. It’s a win-win situation when that happens. On this episode of In The Arena Carmen Simon, Ph.D., author of “Impossible to Ignore” chats with Anthony about her research into how the brain works, what it takes to be memorable, and how persuasion can not only be learned but can also be tied into the way the brain actually remembers things. This one is worth your time, for sure. Dr. Carmen Simon on Persuasive Techniques for Business and Life, on this episodeClick To Tweet There are so many reasons to learn skills for more effective persuasion. It’s obvious how persuasion techniques are beneficial to a sales professional, but in everyday situations persuasion is needed as well. This conversation is a step into the science lab with Dr. Carmen Simon sharing what research shows about