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Chris Brogan: Futurist Predictions About the Internet, Talk About Personal Disciplines, and More – Episode #67



There aren’t many people who can adeptly make futurist predictions, but Chris Brogan is one of those guys who has been around long enough to actually pull it off with some degree of believability. He’s been around the internet space - and using it effectively - since the very beginning. That means he’s seen lots come and go and understands the way trends and technological changes happen. On this episode Anthony asks Chris where he sees social media going and whether or not some of the more tried and true mediums like blogging are going to fall by the wayside. You’ll be intrigued by what Chris has to say, so be sure you listen. Chris Brogan: Futurist Predictions About the Internet, Talk About Personal Disciplines, and MoreClick To Tweet Everybody wants to predict the next big thing coming to the internet. Chris Brogan is a guy who’s seen lots of things come and go in the internet world and he’s quick to point out that at the rate technology changes, he’s no sage. But his futurist predictions about what’s goin