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Ken Wilber on Levels of Consciousness, Integral Theory, and Their Effect on Business – (part 2) Episode #70



As a business professional are you aware of the various levels of consciousness? It sounds like a strange question when you remember that this is a sales blog. But it’s important from a very fundamental level. The level of consciousness your prospects and clients are at, at any given time, is going to impact the way you interact with them and the way they understand and receive the things you have to say - including your sales presentation and responses to their objections. Today’s episode is a conversation with Ken Wilber, a leading philosopher who has done a lot of research about these levels of consciousness and what he has come to call “Integral Theory.” If you take the time to work through this conversation you’re going to benefit a good deal. As a business professional are you aware of the various levels of consciousness?Click To Tweet Business people tend to be strong in certain levels of consciousness. When it comes to being a superstar in business or sales there are characteristics that lend themsel