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Mark Hunter on How to Target and Win High Profit Prospects – Episode #71



Mark Hunter is one of those guys you never forget once you’ve heard him speak. That’s because he’s got such penetrating insight and such unreserved passion behind his opinions. This episode commemorates the release of Mark’s newest book, “High Ticket Prospecting.” Anthony asks Mark a lot of questions about the content of the book including why he felt the book was needed in the first place. In characteristic style Mark’s going to give it to you straight on this one, so be sure you take the time to listen. If you’re not seen as a leader you won’t be seen as a good salesperson ~ Mark HunterClick To Tweet Find your ideal client by starting with the outcomes you can provide. One of the most important things Mark Hunter teaches is that in order to find the ideal prospect you have to first know who your ideal client is. But you won’t be able to identify them unless you start with the outcomes that you uniquely provide. On this episode, Mark Hunter chats with Anthony about how that process works and gives you some