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Why Sales Managers Need the Sales Manager’s Survival Guide From Dave Brock – Episode #73



“Sales managers are one of the least equipped roles in business.” That is what Dave Brock says when he looks over the sales landscape. That’s one of the main reasons he wrote “The Sales Manager’s Survival Guide,” available now on Amazon and other Bookstores. The book is formatted into easily digestible, short chapters that enable you to keep the book on your desk as a quick reference guide to the sales scenarios you face day to day with clients and with your sales team. In this conversation, you get a great peek into the contents of the book and what Dave hopes to happen your sales management because of it. Why Sales Managers Need the Sales Manager’s Survival Guide From Dave Brock - Episode #73Click To Tweet Sales managers are some of the least equipped people in the industry. When the sales manager doesn’t know what he’s doing the entire team and the entire organization suffers. It’s an obvious fact, but what’s not so obvious is that very few sales managers have been adequately trained to know how to actual