

Selling via social media has been touted as the next big thing in sales, the “end” of traditional cold calling and dialing for dollars. But even though he’s written a book on the subject of social selling Jamie Shanks doesn’t believe those are accurate portrayals of the role social plays in selling. If you want to learn the right way to approach social media as a tool in your sales toolbox, this episode is packed with great insights that are just a taste of what’s in Jamie’s new book. Jamie Shanks: Selling Via Social Media - Episode #74Click To Tweet Selling via Social is not what you think. Most new salespeople these days think that social media has done away with many of the traditional sales tools and sales approaches from the past. And while it’s true that the contact part of prospecting is simplified and made easier by social media, it’s not by any means a one-for-one replacement for traditional sales approaches. You can hear the RIGHT way to use social to reach prospects from Jamie Shanks on this episo