In The Arena Podcast With Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |r

The Immunity To Change and the Process of Sales, with Bob Kegan – Episode #75



Anthony was incredibly honored to have Bob Kegan as his guest on this episode of In The Arena. Bob is a psychologist who teaches, researches, writes, and consults about adult development, adult learning, and professional development. The focus of his work is to explore the possibility and necessity of ongoing psychological growth throughout adulthood and to connect the dots between that growth and professional and career development. This is an important conversation with a handful of foundational concepts that every sales professional needs to understand, so be sure you take the time to listen. The Immunity To Change and the Process of Sales, with Bob Kegan - Episode #75Click To Tweet The developmental journey of people and the craft of sales. When you stop to think about the human experience you begin to realize that not everyone is at the same place of maturity or thinking at the same time. Depending on both age and experiences, we all grow in our capacity to reason, think, and assess what’s going on aro