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Phil Gerbyshak on Selling Techniques for Social Media and Beyond – Episode #76



There is no end to the books and blog posts you can find hawking selling techniques. And that’s a good thing. But many of the authors who post that content haven’t done the work needed to become an expert at the new landscape that sales professionals are presented with in the digital age. Social sales and the RIGHT way to approach it is one of the most important things any salesperson can learn, and on this episode of the podcast Phil Gerbyshak and Anthony Iannarino take on that topic and much more. You’ll come away from this recording with tons of actionable content, so be sure you listen. Phil Gerbyshak on Selling Techniques for Social Media and Beyond - Episode #76Click To Tweet The selling techniques of today’s salesperson needs to have a marketing approach. Too frequently, salespeople think in categorical terms about their role. “I’m not a marketer, I’m a salesperson.” The distinction can be important in certain contexts but in the rapidly changing internet world we are doing sales in, it’s becoming les