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Jeff Shore on Deeper Meaning in Life and Business – Episode #82



There are people in your life who spur you on in ways that others don’t. They prod you, challenge you, and make you better. Jeff Shore is one of those people for Anthony. Though they are both avid sales champions they are also both drawn to pondering the deeper meaning of life and the reasons we do what we do as human beings. This conversation is not directly about business or sales but about the things that motivate us and make us what we are. The guys share a handful of challenging books, why they are drawn to ponder the deeper issues of life, and reveal the benefits they’ve discovered in doing so. You’re going to love this chat. Jeff Shore on Deeper Meaning in Life and Business - Ep 82 Click To Tweet Reading enables you to understand yourself and the world you live in. Even the business world. One of the things our culture has produced is a want of deep thinking. The trivial and frivolous take up most of our attention (stupid cat videos and Facebook memes). There’s nothing wrong with having fun but when i