In The Arena Podcast With Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |r

Artificial Intelligence in Sales – The Sales 3.0 Revolution, with Gerhard Gschwandtner – Episode #85



The buzz about artificial intelligence is growing every day, and for good reason. The changes happening on a technological level are astounding and will change the landscape we live in for the long term. But very little that is helpful has been said so far about artificial intelligence in sales and how it will impact the people who make their living selling things. That’s why I invited my friend Gerhard Gschwandtner In The Arena today. He’s renamed his popular sales conference to reflect the changes he sees coming - It’s now The Sales 3.0 Conference (previously 2.0). We talk A.I., emotional intelligence, machine learning, and a whole lot more on this episode of In The Arena. Artificial Intelligence in Sales - The Sales 3.0 Revolution, with Gerhard SchwanderClick To Tweet Sales is about to undergo the most monumental shift in our lifetimes. Gerhard Gschwandtner believes that the sales community is about to experience the most monumental shift any of us have seen in our lifetimes. He believes this because of w