

When Anthony first saw Nigel Green’s article about developing listening skills for salespeople, he knew it was time to ask him to be a guest on In The Arena. Anthony and Nigel met long ago through a mutual acquaintance but it was that post that reminded Anthony how much Nigel has to share with salespeople about listening, sales effectiveness, and scaling a sales force. This conversation is a powerful demonstration of that. You’ll learn some of the most common things salespeople do wrong in sales calls instead of listening to their prospects, practical things you can do to improve your listening skills, and common mistakes made in scaling a sales team. Nigel Green on the Vital Role of Listening Skills for Salespeople - Ep 90Click To Tweet Everyone communicates, but few listen. It’s especially true in sales. Listening is about understanding. Said that way it makes perfect sense why salespeople need to be among the most intentional listeners on the planet. It’s only as we listen that we are able to understand w